How to Hire an AWS Developer


Companies like Netflix, Facebook, Twitch are some of the companies using AWS in their tech stack. An IT specialist who builds manages, and develops an AWS cloud platform for operating applications is an AWS engineer. These infrastructures include environments for production, tests, and development. Benefits: AWS reduces the risk of up-front capital infrastructure and, in essence, helps grow an organization up.

It is a seamless match for the sailing products industry on which hundreds of thousands of companies depend. AWS has also outperformed Google Cloud, with Amazon leading the public cloud market with 39 percent of its share.

Here’s what makes Amazon AWS a cloud industry leader worldwide.

1. Enhanced Security

2. Flexibility and Openness

3. Cost-Effectiveness

4. Elasticity and Scalability

Must-have skills For entry-level AWS engineer role :

Ability to quickly learn an emerging technology

Efficient time control capabilities

An opportunity to observe operations

Good expertise in reporting

Excellent written and verbal contact skills

For a Junior AWS engineer role (0 to 2 years)

Excellent technological background and experience (including but not limited to) of the AWS technology stack:

Strong technological background and experience (including but not limited to) of the AWS technology stack like:

  • VPCs
  • EC2 instances
  • Cloudwatch
  • RDS databases
  • VPN/Direct Access
  • Workspace

For the Senior AWS engineer role

  • Experience in the design and development of AWS web environments, which involves operating with EC2, ELB, RDS, and S3 services.
  • Experience creating and retaining cloud-native software
  • Solid history in the management of Linux/Unix and Windows server systems
  • Experience using DevOps software, such as Ansible, Artifactory, Docker, GitHub, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Maven, and Sonar Qube, in a cloud environment
  • Installation and setup background with numerous application servers such as JBoss, Tomcat, and WebLogic
  • Knowledge with one or more of the most commonly used programming languages available for cloud computing today (i.e., SQL data, XML data, Clojure math, Haskell functional, Python procedural, and Go procedural languages)
  • Experience using CloudWatch, ELK Stack, and Prometheus tracking solutions
  • Experience in distributed applications troubleshooting
  • Competency in script architecture and scripting languages
  • The potential to be a team member
  • The ability and abilities to teach other persons in procedural and technical subjects
  • Good capabilities for teamwork and cooperation
  • An interpretation of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) publishing, using instruments such as CloudFormation or Terraform
  • An interpretation of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) publishing, using instruments such as CloudFormation or Terraform.

Job Responsibilities :

  • To be responsible for preparing, executing, and improving the cloud technology of AWS.
  • Construction, release, and maintenance of the configuration of all production systems
  • Manage a continuous approach of integration and implementation with server-based technologies
  • Act to develop and deploy any scalable digital services alongside architecture and engineering teams
  • Ensure the device protection needed by using best-in-class cloud security solutions
  • Keep updated with emerging technological options and vendor goods, deciding which ones will be the company’s right choice.
  • Implement pipelines for continuous integration/continuous distribution (CI/CD) if necessary.
  • Recommending changes to method and design
  • Device troubleshooting and problem-solving in both platform and application realms
  • Supervising pre-production approval tests to guarantee the high quality of the facilities and services of a business

Here are some of the interview questions you can ask your AWS engineer.

  • Explain what it is to AWS?
  • Mention what AWS’s main components are?
  • Explain what it is to S3?
  • What is AMI?
  • Mention what the correlation between an example and AMI is?
  • What includes in an AMI?
  • How do you submit an Amazon S3 request?
  • Mention what the distinction is between Amazon S3 and EC2?
  • How many buckets would you default to build in AWS?
  • Can you vertically scale an Amazon instance to illustrate it? What? How?
  • Explain what the examples of T2 are?



Infinity- a Stamford Technology Company
Infinity- a Stamford Technology Company

Written by Infinity- a Stamford Technology Company

We are a global provider of Life Science Enterprise Level IT Services for Biotech, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device companies of all sizes.

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